photography by thomas goldblum

thom browne

women’s spring/summer 2018

a double dream, dreamt on another planet, dreaming of another beauty that is in fact reality.

a dream of tulle, with tulle as the tool.

totalizing, tantalizing tulle.

light, frilly, floating.

everywhere: madras, plaids and seersuckers, dreamt in tulle.

an american in paris, dreams of couture, the most Parisian of all arts. he dreams in a sole fabric which he twists, waves, gathers, ruffles, cuts and molds into his own idea of the couture wardrobe.

shapes shift, bustiers keep, garters hold, trousers dangle, volumes inflate. in tulle.

broad shouldered jackets and ladylike suits find another meaning. out of tulle.

a feat of embroidered rackets and anchors, of pin-tucks and trompe l'oeils. on tulle.

the dream happens in grey, in blue and in technicolor. in black, too. with tulle.

everything, everywhere is light as tulle.

light as planets gyrating in the universe.

which one is your favorite?

my favorite planet is Uranus.

don't wake me up, please.