sky. sea. sand. at the water's edge we are presented with nature in lines and layers. it is a segmented geometry, resolute and definitive.
and yet, from the intersection of these parts the horizon expands: a mystery, an optical trick, an apparent line. for a surfer the horizon is both beacon and curse, a signal of the next incoming set or harbinger of a day without motion. it is an enigma among constants.
the thom browne beachwear collection is inspired by two strong but disparate areas of design, suiting and sport, fused together by the visual illusion of trompe l'oeile. in this version of the iconic wetsuit, elements of thom browne tailoring are reduced to coversitched seam details: the two piece sleeve, the topcollar and lapel of the jacket, the point collar and single knot of the tie, even the jacket's cutaway and the trouser cuffs. the singular wetsuit design is sleek and ergonomic, fitted to the body and protective of it.