... mr. reindeer's dream ...

thom browne holiday
... mr. reindeer’s dream ...

in the quiet of nowhere, a dream.
empty but for a glowing house ...

up is down, down is up,
looking up, a snow-flocked tree looks down,
looking ahead, a blue-antlered reindeer enters the scene ...

a wooden dancer, at rest in black tie tails and tutu.
mr. reindeer approaches, pulls out his grosgrain key and winds.
one crank, two cranks, three…
dancer, the masterpiece, springs to life ...

a plié, an arabesque, a grand jeté.
dancer takes the stage,
mr. reindeer applauds with delight,
a magnificent show, soon to be shared ...

nearby, on mr. reindeer’s pebble leather desk pad, a list.
a top secret, confidential, don’t tell anyone, very important holiday list ...

who gets what and what goes to whom,
mr. reindeer takes note and examines his haul ...

four-bar holiday stockings ...
grosgrain ribbons ...
grey faille boxes ...
a tree trimmed with lights and grosgrain ribbon bows ...


the scene is now set, the guests enter,
bundled in a holiday sweaters featuring holiday joys,
bows and ornaments and hector in a hat
a patchwork skirt, a patchwork sweater,
a patchwork hand crocheted scarf ...

with a pirouette, dancer is at the pile of gifts.
to you good sir, an aran cable classic crewneck.
to you dear madam, a full set of fragrance.
to both, a down-filled four bar scarf ...

floating through the air, another round of gifts,
the guests are back for more ...
a holiday hector with snowman pullover, a prince-of-wales cardholder.
for the study, a pen holder with gold pen and a black leather notebook ...

the guests once again, more gifts in the air,
is hector wearing a tuxedo?
it’s a black tie affair ...

with that, a “happy holidays”, and “thank you for coming” ...
“goodbye, my guests, see you next year” ...

for mr. reindeer and dancer,
one last plié, one more arabesque.
one more pirouette ...

before dancer winds down, he offers a note,
with the gleam of a letter opener,
pulled from its black pebble grain case.
a flourish, a lightning swipe, the letter is clear ...

…thank you mr. reindeer…

…oh no…
…what have you done…
…one tear…