... 20 YEARS ...

sora choi

…thom browne…

…twenty years…

…new york…

thom browne celebrates his twentieth anniversary with the launch of his first monograph created in collaboration with phaidon. andrew bolton curated and wrote a forward titled the grey manifesto which complemented original visuals by johnny dufort.

christine baranski
jenna ortega
king princess
christopher briney
anh duong, thom browne, christine baranski, andrew bolton
lola tung

friends of the brand, cultural connectors and members of the press celebrated the monograph with an intimate dinner at the grill, an american steakhouse. by the founders of major food group, the grill is located in an iconic example of mid-century architecture, the seagram building, a genre redefining office tower in midtown manhattan, built in 1958.

yahya abdul-mateen
jenna ortega
morgan spector, rebecca hall, lee pace
david harbour
anh duong

guests included huma abedin, christine baranski, christopher briney, sora choi, anh duong, rebecca hall, david harbour, reign judge, jenna lyons, yahya abdul-mateen, evan mock, lee pace, king princess, lola tung, morgan spector, jenna ortega, jordan roth, chase sui wonders.

chase sui wonders
huma abedin
jenna lyons, cass bird
amy fine collins, jordan roth
reign judge
evan mock
amy fine collins
jeremy o. harris