Animals in Paris

... animals in paris ...
discover the thom browne animal icons

paris, france
between past and future

two by two in paris, a menagerie in pebble grain.
the roar of a lion, the bark of a hector, the bounce of a rabbit.
the thom browne animal bags are now arriving ....

a hippo on the cobbles, a lion on the lane.
a giraffe passes on the staircase.
animal icons on a parisian adventure ...

hector gets a portrait, pig and rabbit share un verre de vin.
rabbit says to pig, pig says to rabbit.
meet you at the carousel ...

two by two through mahogany doors.
inside and out, a snow filled fantasy.
clip clop, click clack,
the animals are here ...

reindeer in striped skirt and blazer,
elephant in grey suit,
rhino in checked tweed.
a menagerie in thom browne tailoring ...

step by step, a promenade in pairs.
identical in pleated skirts and sweater scarves.
boy is girl and girl is boy ...

a beautiful winter’s day.
a giraffe leads the procession, a piano march,
in red, white, and blue thom browne tails and corset.
animals on parade, stepping from past into future ...