... MONDAY ...

Model wears dark grey super 120's twill wide lapel two-piece suit and tietwill classic suit and tiewhite oxford classic button down shirtrubber sole longwing brogue

... monday ...

tokyo, at rush hour.

the crowds thread through transit centers, across plazas, up escalators. there is business to care for. a day to start.

between minutes, three men pause within the flow.
still. present. observing.

a familiar urban din, but no chaos.

strong shoulders, sharp trousers. an echo of the angles around them. the commuters in their grey suits activate a rhythm in the crowds.

... get to work ...

Model Wears dark grey super 120's twill wide lapel two-piece suit and tie
Model wears dark grey super 120's twill wide lapel two-piece suit and tie
Model are wearing dark grey super 120's twill wide lapel two-piece suit and tie